Posts in 2021
ECDSA signature verify in kotlin and Golang
Last Update: in Security
How to verify ECDSA signature generated by kotlin and verify it in Go?
Introduction Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) offers a variant of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) which uses elliptic curve cryptography. ECDSA keys and signatures are shorter than in RSA for the same security level. A 256-bit …
Posts in 2020
Test TLS Connection Ciphers TLS Version and Certificate with OpenSSL Command Line
Last Update: in Security
Use OpenSSL command line to test and check TLS/SSL server connectivity, cipher suites, TLS/SSL version, check server certificate etc. TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 test support. Force TLS 1.2, Force TLS 1.3. STARTTLS test. openssl s_client example commands with detail output. Works on Linux, windows and Mac OS X.
Introduction openssl s_client is an SSL/TLS client program that can be used to test TLS server connectivity, TLS/SSL version support, check cipher suites, and verify server certificate. It is a very useful diagnostic tool for SSL servers. Usage: …
Use Linux SO_BINDTODEVICE and mac IP_BOUND_IF to bind socket to a network interface
Last Update: in Linux
Use Linux SO_BINDTODEVICE and mac IP_BOUND_IF / IPV6_BOUND_IF to bind socket to a network interface
SO_BINDTODEVICE on Linux In Linux, SO_BINDTODEVICE is a socket option can be used in setsockopt() to bind a socket to network interface. e.g. #include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h> const char *interface_name = "eth0"; …
Find 3rd party gems global variables in ruby
in Rails
Find 3rd party gems global variables in ruby
Why Need Find Global Variables In rails, if you want to use puma as rails server, you need make sure your app is thread safe, not only your app code itself, also 3rd party gems should also thread safe. One of requirement for thread safe is avoid …
Troubleshooting Splunk Search Performance by Search Job Inspector
Last Update: in Splunk
How to use Splunk Search Job Inspector to troubleshooting search performance issue, understand how search was processed and where splunk spent time.
What is Search Job Inspector The Search Job Inspector and the Job Details dashboard are tools that let you take a closer look at what your search is doing and see where the Splunk software is spending most of its time. Search Job Inspector allows you …
Splunk != vs. NOT Difference Detail Explained with Examples
Last Update: in Splunk
Different between
in Splunk search condition, search result and performance impact. How to exclude field from search result?When you want to exclude results from your search you can use the NOT operator or the != field expression. However there is a significant difference in the results that are returned from these two methods. != vs. NOT Comparison Both!= field …
Splunk Search Best Practices for Better Performance Response Time
Last Update: in Splunk
Tips on splunk search best practices for better performance response time. Guidelines on create splunk search.
Splunk search best practices, a quick guideline on splunk search, write better search to improve your search quality and boost query time. Notes from Splunk Fundamentals. Time is the most efficient filter keep the time range short (e.g. last 60 …
Install Splunk and Forwarder on Linux
in Splunk
Step by step install Splunk, Splunk Forwarder, Splunk app free trial version on Linux.
Install Splunk Download from Download Splunk 8 via Command Line (wget): # .deb For Debian and Ubuntu $ wget -O splunk-8.0.3-a6754d8441bf-linux-2.6-amd64.deb …
Azure Change App Service HTTP Ping URL and Interval
Last Update: in Azure
In Azure app service, I want to change the keep-alive time period and want to change the HTTP ping (keep-alive) URL to
, the default keep-alive URL is/
.Issues Description In Azure app service, I want to change the keep-alive time period and want to change the HTTP ping (keep-alive) URL to /status, the default is /. Answer from Azure support I can not find proper answer so send request to Azure …
Organize Go Project
in Go
demonstrates the development of a simple Go package inside a module and introduces the go tool, the standard way to fetch, build, and install Go modules, packages, and commands.
Code organization Go programs are organized into packages. A package is a collection of source files in the same directory that are compiled together. Functions, types, variables, and constants defined in one source file are visible to all other …