The latest ISO 3166 country codes JSON with alpha-2, alpha-3 and country name
What is ISO 3166 country code
ISO 3166 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, special areas of geographical interest, and their principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states). The standard employs a code of letters and numbers to represent the name of a given geographical area in order to save time and energy when describing the area, as well as to reduce the risk of description errors. The official name of the standard is Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions.
The ISO 3166 country codes can be represented as following forms:
- Alpha-2 code: A two-letter code that represents a country name, recommended as the general purpose code. e.g.
. - Alpha-3 code: A three-letter code that represents a country name, which is usually more closely related to the country name. e.g.
- Alpha-4 code: A four-letter code that represents a country name that is no longer in use. The structure depends on the reason why the country name was removed from ISO 3166-1 and added to ISO 3166-3.
- Numeric-3: A three-digit numeric code which can be useful if you need to avoid using Latin script. e.g.
What’s the purpose of ISO 3166 country code
The purpose of ISO 3166 is to define internationally recognized codes of letters and/or numbers that we can use when we refer to countries and their subdivisions. However, it does not define the names of countries – this information comes from United Nations sources (Terminology Bulletin Country Names and the Country and Region Codes for Statistical Use maintained by the United Nations Statistics Divisions).
Why use ISO 3166 country code
Using codes saves time and avoids errors as instead of using a country’s name (which will change depending on the language being used), we can use a combination of letters and/or numbers that are understood all over the world.
Remove country code form IOS 3166
Country names might be removed from ISO 3166-1 for various reasons
A country might change a significant part of its name, for example Burma (BU) was changed to Myanmar (MM) in 1989. The code element for the formerly used country name is therefore BUMM.
A country may divide into two or more new ones, for example Czechoslovakia was divided into Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. The code element for the formerly used country name Czechoslovakia is CSHH, HH meaning that no single successor country exists.
Two or more countries may merge for example Democratic Yemen (YD) and Yemen Arab Republic (YE) merged into the Republic of Yemen (YE) in 1990. The code element used for the formerly used country name Democratic Yemen is YDYE.
Codes beginning with “X”
Country codes beginning with “X” are used for private custom use (reserved), never for official codes. Despite the words “private custom”, the use may include other public standards. ISO affirms that no country code beginning X will ever be standardised. Examples of X codes include:
- The ISO 3166-based NATO country codes (STANAG 1059, 9th edition) use “X” codes for imaginary exercise countries ranging from XXB for “Brownland” to XXY for “Yellowland”, as well as for major commands such as XXE for SHAPE or XXS for SACLANT.
- X currencies defined in ISO 4217.
Where to get the latest ISO 3166 country codes data
You can search the latest ISO 3166 country codes at
Tip: Choose Country Codes in search to get accurate result.
ISO 3166 Country codes in JSON
A ready to use country codes in JSON. Copy and paste to use in your code.
This is the latest total 212 ISO 3166 country codes with name
, alpha2
, alpha3
in JSON format.
// countries.json
{"name":"Afghanistan", "alpha2":" AF", "alpha3":"AFG"},
{"name":"Albania", "alpha2":"AL", "alpha3":"ALB"},
{"name":"Algeria", "alpha2":"DZ", "alpha3":"DZA"},
{"name":"American Samoa", "alpha2":"AS", "alpha3":"ASM"},
{"name":"Andorra", "alpha2":"AD", "alpha3":"AND"},
{"name":"Angola", "alpha2":"AO", "alpha3":"AGO"},
{"name":"Anguilla", "alpha2":"AI", "alpha3":"AIA"},
{"name":"Antigua and Barbuda", "alpha2":"AG", "alpha3":"ATG"},
{"name":"Argentina", "alpha2":"AR", "alpha3":"ARG"},
{"name":"Armenia", "alpha2":"AM", "alpha3":"ARM"},
{"name":"Aruba", "alpha2":"AW", "alpha3":"ABW"},
{"name":"Australia", "alpha2":"AU", "alpha3":"AUS"},
{"name":"Austria", "alpha2":"AT", "alpha3":"AUT"},
{"name":"Azerbaijan", "alpha2":"AZ", "alpha3":"AZE"},
{"name":"Bahamas", "alpha2":"BS", "alpha3":"BHS"},
{"name":"Bahrain", "alpha2":"BH", "alpha3":"BHR"},
{"name":"Bangladesh", "alpha2":"BD", "alpha3":"BGD"},
{"name":"Barbados", "alpha2":"BB", "alpha3":"BRB"},
{"name":"Belarus", "alpha2":"BY", "alpha3":"BLR"},
{"name":"Belgium", "alpha2":"BE", "alpha3":"BEL"},
{"name":"Belize", "alpha2":"BZ", "alpha3":"BLZ"},
{"name":"Benin", "alpha2":"BJ", "alpha3":"BEN"},
{"name":"Bermuda", "alpha2":"BM", "alpha3":"BMU"},
{"name":"Bhutan", "alpha2":"BT", "alpha3":"BTN"},
{"name":"Bolivia", "alpha2":"BO", "alpha3":"BOL"},
{"name":"Bosnia and Herzegovina", "alpha2":"BA", "alpha3":"BIH"},
{"name":"Botswana", "alpha2":"BW", "alpha3":"BWA"},
{"name":"Brazil", "alpha2":"BR", "alpha3":"BRA"},
{"name":"British Virgin Islands", "alpha2":"VG", "alpha3":"VGB"},
{"name":"Brunei Darussalam", "alpha2":"BN", "alpha3":"BRN"},
{"name":"Bulgaria", "alpha2":"BG", "alpha3":"BGR"},
{"name":"Burkina Faso", "alpha2":"BF", "alpha3":"BFA"},
{"name":"Burundi", "alpha2":"BI", "alpha3":"BDI"},
{"name":"Cambodia", "alpha2":"KH", "alpha3":"KHM"},
{"name":"Cameroon", "alpha2":"CM", "alpha3":"CMR"},
{"name":"Canada", "alpha2":"CA", "alpha3":"CAN"},
{"name":"Cape Verde", "alpha2":"CV", "alpha3":"CPV"},
{"name":"Central African Republic", "alpha2":"CF", "alpha3":"CAF"},
{"name":"Chad", "alpha2":"TD", "alpha3":"TCD"},
{"name":"Chile", "alpha2":"CL", "alpha3":"CHL"},
{"name":"China", "alpha2":"CN", "alpha3":"CHN"},
{"name":"Hong Kong", "alpha2":"HK", "alpha3":" HKG"},
{"name":"Macao", "alpha2":"MO", "alpha3":"MAC"},
{"name":"Colombia", "alpha2":"CO", "alpha3":"COL"},
{"name":"Comoros", "alpha2":"KM", "alpha3":"COM"},
{"name":"Congo", "alpha2":"CG", "alpha3":"COG"},
{"name":"Costa Rica", "alpha2":"CR", "alpha3":"CRI"},
{"name":"Côte d'Ivoire", "alpha2":"CI", "alpha3":"CIV"},
{"name":"Croatia", "alpha2":"HR", "alpha3":"HRV"},
{"name":"Cuba", "alpha2":"CU", "alpha3":"CUB"},
{"name":"Cyprus", "alpha2":"CY", "alpha3":"CYP"},
{"name":"Czech Republic", "alpha2":"CZ", "alpha3":"CZE"},
{"name":"Denmark", "alpha2":"DK", "alpha3":"DNK"},
{"name":"Djibouti", "alpha2":"DJ", "alpha3":"DJI"},
{"name":"Dominica", "alpha2":"DM", "alpha3":"DMA"},
{"name":"Dominican Republic", "alpha2":"DO", "alpha3":"DOM"},
{"name":"Ecuador", "alpha2":"EC", "alpha3":"ECU"},
{"name":"Egypt", "alpha2":"EG", "alpha3":"EGY"},
{"name":"El Salvador", "alpha2":"SV", "alpha3":"SLV"},
{"name":"Equatorial Guinea", "alpha2":"GQ", "alpha3":"GNQ"},
{"name":"Eritrea", "alpha2":"ER", "alpha3":"ERI"},
{"name":"Estonia", "alpha2":"EE", "alpha3":"EST"},
{"name":"Ethiopia", "alpha2":"ET", "alpha3":"ETH"},
{"name":"European Union", "alpha2":"EU", "alpha3":""},
{"name":"Faroe Islands", "alpha2":"FO", "alpha3":"FRO"},
{"name":"Fiji", "alpha2":"FJ", "alpha3":"FJI"},
{"name":"Finland", "alpha2":"FI", "alpha3":"FIN"},
{"name":"France", "alpha2":"FR", "alpha3":"FRA"},
{"name":"French Guiana", "alpha2":"GF", "alpha3":"GUF"},
{"name":"French Polynesia", "alpha2":"PF", "alpha3":"PYF"},
{"name":"Gabon", "alpha2":"GA", "alpha3":"GAB"},
{"name":"Gambia", "alpha2":"GM", "alpha3":"GMB"},
{"name":"Georgia", "alpha2":"GE", "alpha3":"GEO"},
{"name":"Germany", "alpha2":"DE", "alpha3":"DEU"},
{"name":"Ghana", "alpha2":"GH", "alpha3":"GHA"},
{"name":"Greece", "alpha2":"GR", "alpha3":"GRC"},
{"name":"Greenland", "alpha2":"GL", "alpha3":"GRL"},
{"name":"Grenada", "alpha2":"GD", "alpha3":"GRD"},
{"name":"Guadeloupe", "alpha2":"GP", "alpha3":"GLP"},
{"name":"Guam", "alpha2":"GU", "alpha3":"GUM"},
{"name":"Guatemala", "alpha2":"GT", "alpha3":"GTM"},
{"name":"Guinea-Bissau", "alpha2":"GW", "alpha3":"GNB"},
{"name":"Haiti", "alpha2":"HT", "alpha3":"HTI"},
{"name":"Honduras", "alpha2":"HN", "alpha3":"HND"},
{"name":"Hungry", "alpha2": "HU", "alpha3":"HUN"},
{"name":"Iceland", "alpha2":"IS", "alpha3":"ISL"},
{"name":"India", "alpha2":"IN", "alpha3":"IND"},
{"name":"Indonesia", "alpha2":"ID", "alpha3":"IDN"},
{"name":"Iran (Islamic Republic of)", "alpha2":"IR", "alpha3":"IRN"},
{"name":"Iraq", "alpha2":"IQ", "alpha3":"IRQ"},
{"name":"Ireland", "alpha2":"IE", "alpha3":"IRL"},
{"name":"Israel", "alpha2":"IL", "alpha3":"ISR"},
{"name":"Italy", "alpha2":"IT", "alpha3":"ITA"},
{"name":"Japan", "alpha2":"JP", "alpha3":"JPN"},
{"name":"Jordan", "alpha2":"JO", "alpha3":"JOR"},
{"name":"Kazakhstan", "alpha2":"KZ", "alpha3":"KAZ"},
{"name":"Kenya", "alpha2":"KE", "alpha3":"KEN"},
{"name":"Kiribati", "alpha2":"KI", "alpha3":"KIR"},
{"name":"Korea", "alpha2":"KP", "alpha3":"PRK"},
{"name":"Korea", "alpha2":"KR", "alpha3":"KOR"},
{"name":"Kuwait", "alpha2":"KW", "alpha3":"KWT"},
{"name":"Kyrgyzstan", "alpha2":"KG", "alpha3":"KGZ"},
{"name":"Lao PDR", "alpha2":"LA", "alpha3":"LAO"},
{"name":"Latvia", "alpha2":"LV", "alpha3":"LVA"},
{"name":"Lebanon", "alpha2":"LB", "alpha3":"LBN"},
{"name":"Lesotho", "alpha2":"LS", "alpha3":"LSO"},
{"name":"Liberia", "alpha2":"LR", "alpha3":"LBR"},
{"name":"Libya", "alpha2":"LY", "alpha3":"LBY"},
{"name":"Liechtenstein", "alpha2":"LI", "alpha3":"LIE"},
{"name":"Lithuania", "alpha2":"LT", "alpha3":"LTU"},
{"name":"Luxembourg", "alpha2":"LU", "alpha3":"LUX"},
{"name":"Madagascar", "alpha2":"MG", "alpha3":"MDG"},
{"name":"Malawi", "alpha2":"MW", "alpha3":"MWI"},
{"name":"Malaysia", "alpha2":"MY", "alpha3":"MYS"},
{"name":"Maldives", "alpha2":"MV", "alpha3":"MDV"},
{"name":"Mali", "alpha2":"ML", "alpha3":"MLI"},
{"name":"Malta", "alpha2":"MT", "alpha3":"MLT"},
{"name":"Marshall Islands", "alpha2":"MH", "alpha3":"MHL"},
{"name":"Martinique", "alpha2":"MQ", "alpha3":"MTQ"},
{"name":"Mauritania", "alpha2":"MR", "alpha3":"MRT"},
{"name":"Mauritius", "alpha2":"MU", "alpha3":"MUS"},
{"name":"Mexico", "alpha2":"MX", "alpha3":"MEX"},
{"name":"Micronesia, Federated States of", "alpha2":"FM", "alpha3":"FSM"},
{"name":"Moldova", "alpha2":"MD", "alpha3":"MDA"},
{"name":"Monaco", "alpha2":"MC", "alpha3":"MCO"},
{"name":"Mongolia", "alpha2":"MN", "alpha3":"MNG"},
{"name":"Montenegro", "alpha2":"ME", "alpha3":"MNE"},
{"name":"Montserrat", "alpha2":"MS", "alpha3":"MSR"},
{"name":"Morocco", "alpha2":"MA", "alpha3":"MAR"},
{"name":"Mozambique", "alpha2":"MZ", "alpha3":"MOZ"},
{"name":"Myanmar", "alpha2":"MM", "alpha3":"MMR"},
{"name":"Namibia", "alpha2":"NA", "alpha3":"NAM"},
{"name":"Nauru", "alpha2":"NR", "alpha3":"NRU"},
{"name":"Nepal", "alpha2":"NP", "alpha3":"NPL"},
{"name":"Netherlands", "alpha2":"NL", "alpha3":"NLD"},
{"name":"Netherlands Antilles", "alpha2":"AN", "alpha3":"ANT"},
{"name":"New Caledonia", "alpha2":"NC", "alpha3":"NCL"},
{"name":"New Zealand", "alpha2":"NZ", "alpha3":"NZL"},
{"name":"Nicaragua", "alpha2":"NI", "alpha3":"NIC"},
{"name":"Niger", "alpha2":"NE", "alpha3":"NER"},
{"name":"Nigeria", "alpha2":"NG", "alpha3":"NGA"},
{"name":"Northern Mariana Islands", "alpha2":"MP", "alpha3":"MNP"},
{"name":"Norway", "alpha2":"NO", "alpha3":"NOR"},
{"name":"Oman", "alpha2":"OM", "alpha3":"OMN"},
{"name":"Pakistan", "alpha2":"PK", "alpha3":"PAK"},
{"name":"Palau", "alpha2":"PW", "alpha3":"PLW"},
{"name":"Palestinian Territory", "alpha2":"PS", "alpha3":"PSE"},
{"name":"Panama", "alpha2":"PA", "alpha3":"PAN"},
{"name":"Papua New Guinea", "alpha2":"PG", "alpha3":"PNG"},
{"name":"Paraguay", "alpha2":"PY", "alpha3":"PRY"},
{"name":"Peru", "alpha2":"PE", "alpha3":"PER"},
{"name":"Philippines", "alpha2":"PH", "alpha3":"PHL"},
{"name":"Pitcairn", "alpha2":"PN", "alpha3":"PCN"},
{"name":"Poland", "alpha2":"PL", "alpha3":"POL"},
{"name":"Portugal", "alpha2":"PT", "alpha3":"PRT"},
{"name":"Puerto Rico", "alpha2":"PR", "alpha3":"PRI"},
{"name":"Qatar", "alpha2":"QA", "alpha3":"QAT"},
{"name":"Réunion", "alpha2":"RE", "alpha3":"REU"},
{"name":"Romania", "alpha2":"RO", "alpha3":"ROU"},
{"name":"Russian Federation", "alpha2":"RU", "alpha3":"RUS"},
{"name":"Rwanda", "alpha2":"RW", "alpha3":"RWA"},
{"name":"Saint Kitts and Nevis", "alpha2":"KN", "alpha3":"KNA"},
{"name":"Saint Lucia", "alpha2":"LC", "alpha3":"LCA"},
{"name":"Saint Vincent and Grenadines", "alpha2":"VC", "alpha3":"VCT"},
{"name":"Samoa", "alpha2":"WS", "alpha3":"WSM"},
{"name":"San Marino", "alpha2":"SM", "alpha3":"SMR"},
{"name":"Sao Tome and Principe", "alpha2":"ST", "alpha3":"STP"},
{"name":"Saudi Arabia", "alpha2":"SA", "alpha3":"SAU"},
{"name":"Senegal", "alpha2":"SN", "alpha3":"SEN"},
{"name":"Serbia", "alpha2":"RS", "alpha3":"SRB"},
{"name":"Seychelles", "alpha2":"SC", "alpha3":"SYC"},
{"name":"Sierra Leone", "alpha2":"SL", "alpha3":"SLE"},
{"name":"Singapore", "alpha2":"SG", "alpha3":"SGP"},
{"name":"Slovakia", "alpha2":"SK", "alpha3":"SVK"},
{"name":"Slovenia", "alpha2":"SI", "alpha3":"SVN"},
{"name":"Solomon Islands", "alpha2":"SB", "alpha3":"SLB"},
{"name":"Somalia", "alpha2":"SO", "alpha3":"SOM"},
{"name":"South Africa", "alpha2":"ZA", "alpha3":"ZAF"},
{"name":"Spain", "alpha2":"ES", "alpha3":"ESP"},
{"name":"Sri Lanka", "alpha2":"LK", "alpha3":"LKA"},
{"name":"Sudan", "alpha2":"SD", "alpha3":"SDN"},
{"name":"Suriname", "alpha2":"SR", "alpha3":"SUR"},
{"name":"Swaziland", "alpha2":"SZ", "alpha3":"SWZ"},
{"name":"Sweden", "alpha2":"SE", "alpha3":"SWE"},
{"name":"Switzerland", "alpha2":"CH", "alpha3":"CHE"},
{"name":"Syrian Arab Republic", "alpha2":"SY", "alpha3":"SYR"},
{"name":"Taiwan (Province of China)", "alpha2":"TW", "alpha3":"TWN"},
{"name":"Tajikistan", "alpha2":"TJ", "alpha3":"TJK"},
{"name":"Tanzania", "alpha2":"TZ", "alpha3":"TZA"},
{"name":"Thailand", "alpha2":"TH", "alpha3":"THA"},
{"name":"Timor-Leste", "alpha2":"TL", "alpha3":"TLS"},
{"name":"Togo", "alpha2":"TG", "alpha3":"TGO"},
{"name":"Tonga", "alpha2":"TO", "alpha3":"TON"},
{"name":"Trinidad and Tobago", "alpha2":"TT", "alpha3":"TTO"},
{"name":"Tunisia", "alpha2":"TN", "alpha3":"TUN"},
{"name":"Turkey", "alpha2":"TR", "alpha3":"TUR"},
{"name":"Turkmenistan", "alpha2":"TM", "alpha3":"TKM"},
{"name":"Tuvalu", "alpha2":"TV", "alpha3":"TUV"},
{"name":"Uganda", "alpha2":"UG", "alpha3":"UGA"},
{"name":"Ukraine", "alpha2":"UA", "alpha3":"UKR"},
{"name":"United Arab Emirates", "alpha2":"AE", "alpha3":"ARE"},
{"name":"United Kingdom", "alpha2":"GB", "alpha3":"GBR"},
{"name":"United States of America", "alpha2":"US", "alpha3":"USA"},
{"name":"Uruguay", "alpha2":"UY", "alpha3":"URY"},
{"name":"Uzbekistan", "alpha2":"UZ", "alpha3":"UZB"},
{"name":"Vanuatu", "alpha2":"VU", "alpha3":"VUT"},
{"name":"Venezuela", "alpha2":"VE", "alpha3":"VEN"},
{"name":"Viet Nam", "alpha2":"VN", "alpha3":"VNM"},
{"name":"Virgin Islands, US", "alpha2":"VI", "alpha3":"VIR"},
{"name":"Yemen", "alpha2":"YE", "alpha3":"YEM"},
{"name":"Zambia", "alpha2":"ZM", "alpha3":"ZMB"},
{"name":"Zimbabwe", "alpha2":"ZW", "alpha3":"ZWE"}
Free to download and use it. Please leave a comment if you found a missing code or incorrect data.
- ISO 3166 Country Codes
- ISO 3166 Country Codes on Online Browsing Platform
- List of ISO 3166 country codes

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