The Stag and His Reflection 雄鹿和他的倒影 (精美插图) 双语 拼音注音 伊索寓言
标签:伊索寓言 儿童故事集 中英对照翻译 双语故事 拼音注音
Last Update 最后更新: 2022-01-12
The Stag and His Reflection (English)
Total Words: 128
A Stag, drinking from a crystal spring, saw himself mirrored in the clear water. He greatly admired the graceful arch of his antlers, but he was very much ashamed of his spindling legs.
"How can it be," he sighed, "that I should be cursed with such legs when I have so magnificent a crown."
At that moment he scented a panther and in an instant was bounding away through the forest. But as he ran his wide-spreading antlers caught in the branches of the trees, and soon the Panther overtook him. Then the Stag perceived that the legs of which he was so ashamed would have saved him had it not been for the useless ornaments on his head.
Moral: We often make much of the ornamental and despise the useful.
雄鹿和他的倒影 (中文翻译 拼音注音)
一只雄鹿,在清澈的泉中喝水,看到水中自己的倒影。 他非常欣赏他那优美的拱形鹿角,但又为他那细长的腿感到羞耻。
就在这时,他闻到了一只黑豹的气味,转眼间就在森林中飞奔而去。 但是当他奔跑时,他的大鹿角被树枝夹住了,很快黑豹就追上了他。 然后雄鹿意识到,如果不是他头上的那些无用的饰物,他羞愧的腿本来可以救他的。
Relevant Fables 相关寓言故事
About 关于
The Aesop Fables for Children 伊索寓言儿童故事全集 (图文英汉双语版) (this work), the english fables originally from The Aesop for Children: with Pictures by Milo Winter published by Rand, McNally & Co in 1919. Some of pictures come from Library of Congress. This work is considered to be in the public domain in the United States. The Aesop Fables for Children contains the text of selected fables, color pictures, video, and interactive animations, and will be enjoyed by readers of any age.
The Aesop Fables for Children are a collection of stories designed to teach moral lessons credited to Aesop, a Greek slave and story-teller thought to have lived between 620 and 560 BCE.
Aesop's fables are some of the most well known in the world and have been translated in multiple languages and become popular in dozens of cultures through the course of five centuries. They have been told and retold in a variety of media, from oral tradition to written storybooks to stage, film and animated cartoon versions—even in architecture. This page include translation to Simplified Chinese.
伊索寓言是一部世界上最早的寓言故事集,是世界文学史上流传最广的寓言故事之一。 本文包含伊索寓言故事英文原文和简体中文翻译(中英双语)。