The Dog the Cock and the Fox 狗、公鸡和狐狸 (精美插图) 双语 拼音注音 伊索寓言
标签:伊索寓言 儿童故事集 中英对照翻译 双语故事 拼音注音
Last Update 最后更新: 2022-01-12
The Dog the Cock and the Fox (English)
Total Words: 301
A Dog and a Cock, who were the best of friends, wished very much to see something of the world. So they decided to leave the farmyard and to set out into the world along the road that led to the woods. The two comrades traveled along in the very best of spirits and without meeting any adventure to speak of.
At nightfall the Cock, looking for a place to roost, as was his custom, spied nearby a hollow tree that he thought would do very nicely for a night's lodging. The Dog could creep inside and the Cock would fly up on one of the branches. So said, so done, and both slept very comfortably.
With the first glimmer of dawn the Cock awoke. For the moment he forgot just where he was. He thought he was still in the farmyard where it had been his duty to arouse the household at daybreak. So standing on tip-toes he flapped his wings and crowed lustily. But instead of awakening the farmer, he awakened a Fox not far off in the wood. The Fox immediately had rosy visions of a very delicious breakfast. Hurrying to the tree where the Cock was roosting, he said very politely:
"A hearty welcome to our woods, honored sir. I cannot tell you how glad I am to see you here. I am quite sure we shall become the closest of friends."
"I feel highly flattered, kind sir," replied the Cock slyly. "If you will please go around to the door of my house at the foot of the tree, my porter will let you in."
The hungry but unsuspecting Fox, went around the tree as he was told, and in a twinkling the Dog had seized him.
Moral: Those who try to deceive may expect to be paid in their own coin.
狗、公鸡和狐狸 (中文翻译 拼音注音)
早上公鸡伴随第一丝曙光醒了。就那么一刻它忘记了自己在哪儿。它还以为它在农场里,它有责任在天亮的时候叫醒一家人。所以它脚尖站立着拍了拍翅膀, 精神饱满的打起了鸣。 但是它并没有唤起农场主人,而是唤起了树林不远处的狐狸。 狐狸立马想着把公鸡作为美味的早餐。 它匆忙的赶到公鸡栖息的树下,礼貌的说到:
“我真是受宠若惊啊,善良的先生” 公鸡狡猾的回答道。“如果您绕到树脚下我家的门口,我的守门人会让您进来的。”
Relevant Fables 相关寓言故事
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Grapes 狐狸和葡萄
- 伊索寓言:The Wild Boar and the Fox 野猪和狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Stork 狐狸和鹤
- 伊索寓言:The Cock and the Fox 公鸡和狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Goat 狐狸和山羊
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Leopard 狐狸和豹子
- 伊索寓言:The Dog and His Reflection 狗和他的倒影
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Crow 狐狸和乌鸦
- 伊索寓言:The Cock and the Jewel 公鸡和宝石
- 伊索寓言:The Ass the Fox and the Lion 驴,狐狸和狮子
- 伊索寓言:The Lion the Bear and the Fox 狮子、熊和狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Wolf and the Lean Dog 狼和瘦狗
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Lion 狐狸和狮子
- 伊索寓言:The Dog and His Master's Dinner 狗和他主人的晚餐
- 伊索寓言:The Dogs and the Fox 狗和狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Dogs and the Hides 狗和牛皮
- 伊索寓言:The Dog in the Manger 牛槽中的狗
- 伊索寓言:The Cat the Cock and the Young Mouse 猫、公鸡和小老鼠
- 伊索寓言:The Dog and the Oyster 狗和牡蛎
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Crab 狐狸和螃蟹
- 伊索寓言:The Old Lion and the Fox 年迈的狮子和狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Ass and the Lap Dog 驴和哈巴狗
- 伊索寓言:The Wolf and the House Dog 狼和家犬
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Hedgehog 狐狸与刺猬
- 伊索寓言:The Fox Without a Tail 断了尾巴的狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Mischievous Dog 淘气狗
- 伊索寓言:The Cat and the Fox 猫和狐狸
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Pheasants 狐狸和山鸡
- 伊索寓言:The Fox and the Monkey 狐狸和猴子
About 关于
The Aesop Fables for Children 伊索寓言儿童故事全集 (图文英汉双语版) (this work), the english fables originally from The Aesop for Children: with Pictures by Milo Winter published by Rand, McNally & Co in 1919. Some of pictures come from Library of Congress. This work is considered to be in the public domain in the United States. The Aesop Fables for Children contains the text of selected fables, color pictures, video, and interactive animations, and will be enjoyed by readers of any age.
The Aesop Fables for Children are a collection of stories designed to teach moral lessons credited to Aesop, a Greek slave and story-teller thought to have lived between 620 and 560 BCE.
Aesop's fables are some of the most well known in the world and have been translated in multiple languages and become popular in dozens of cultures through the course of five centuries. They have been told and retold in a variety of media, from oral tradition to written storybooks to stage, film and animated cartoon versions—even in architecture. This page include translation to Simplified Chinese.
伊索寓言是一部世界上最早的寓言故事集,是世界文学史上流传最广的寓言故事之一。 本文包含伊索寓言故事英文原文和简体中文翻译(中英双语)。